February 2019 - Som Prakash


Monthly Archives: February 2019

8 Secrets of 7-Figure Network Marketers

Network marketing or Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) is one of the most powerful business models where anyone with an ambition to succeed and willingness to work hard, could get started and gradually build a substantially huge business. However, making a SIX or SEVEN figure income a year is not very common in the industry, though its possible by anyone. So, what differentiates these high-income earners from others? Everyone sees their accomplishments, but no one sees what goes in their minds and efforts. After being in the industry for more than a decade and analysing the highly successful and unsuccessful people in the industry very closely, I came up with the below EIGHT traits of SEVEN FIGURE income earners.

  1. Belief: The people who become hugely successful in network marketing have very high level of belief in the business. And this is contagious and attracts others to join him in the business. 
  2. The WHY: Successful network marketers have their “WHY” clear from the very beginning. When entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Bill Gates (Microsoft), Travis Kalanick (Uber) get excited about an idea or an opportunity (A problem that could be solved), successful MLM entrepreneurs may not be driven by an idea but by a lifestyle. These solopreneurs see the business as a vehicle to change their lifestyle. The lifestyle may be represented by more time, may be an escape from rat race, may be financial freedom.
  3. Dominant Thought: Successful entrepreneurs think, talk and breathe the business. Their dominant thought is the business. Everything in their lives revolves around the business and business becomes the center of their lives. Many atimes people call them BRAIN WASHED.
  4. Single Minded: These Seven figure income earners don’t usually have any back door open. They burn their bridges and get focused on only one mission.
  5. Planning: The people who becomes successful in any endeavors of life seem to be very good in planning. And successful network marketers are no different. They have long term, and also short-term goals. They set goals and plans to accomplish those.
  6. Massive action: Fuelled by the dominant thought about the business, these entrepreneurs take massive actions. As business is the centre of their lives, they get really busy paying the price with their eyes fixated on the destination.
  7. Mentorship: These highly motivated entrepreneurs have insatiable hunger for knowledge to grow themselves and their businesses. They seek out mentor ship from other successful individuals by listening, associating with them and reading different personally development books.
  8. People focussed: The business building activities in Network Marketing involves Retailing and Networking. Retailing involves products and Networking involves people. These highly successful entrepreneurs spend most of their business time in empowering and helping people (Finding and developing leaders). They may not be expert inproducts.

Knowing about all the above traits, the question comes to mind- Can I, as an MLM entrepreneur develop these qualities? The answer is YES. As a matter of fact, not all the high-income network marketers had all the traits within themselves when they started the business. As they started building their businesses, they slowly developed few other qualities.

How to grow the above qualities? It’s important to understand here that the beliefs that we currently have and the way we think is due to how and what we experienced (perceived through five senses) until now. Every child is born with a mind like a BLANK sheet of paper. And as we grow older, the blank sheet is written with what we- see, hear, feel, taste and smell. And from here the character, belief, values and thought process are formed. Some call it “WIRING” of the brain, and some call it “SUBCONSCIOUS MIND”.

Any new qualities or traits can be developed just like the old ones but in a short span of time, by embedding directly into the subconscious mind and by disciplining the conscious mind to identify and stop negative thoughts and practicing new thoughts.

So, at conscious mind level the below can be practiced.

  1. Practice consciousness meditation everyday
  2. Identify and kill negative thoughts as they come in
  3. Practice positive self-talk, listen to positive people/talk
  4. Read positive and inspirational books/articles
  5. Network and associate with positive people

At subconscious mind level, the below can be practiced.

  1. Mediate to reach Alpha state of mind (To reach subconscious mind)
  2. Visualize your dreams as if you have already achieved those

Some powerful books to read about mind and its programming are

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Phycho- Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz , Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins, What to Say When You Talk to Yourself by Shad Helmstetter.

NOTE: It’s very important to mention here, that there are a lot of companies in Network Marketing industry. You should look at the company’s age, history (Very important), stability and product range before joining one. If you want to learn and be involved in the exciting business of Network Marketing, you could schedule a FREE 30 mins call with us.

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Have You Put All Your Eggs In One Basket ?

Recently by accident I broke my spectacle’s frame which I had been using for last 2 years. Call me old-fashioned or stupid, in last 25 years of me using glasses (BTW, I am not a 25 year old Millennial) I never had two pairs of glasses done after an eye test. And this one week, before I have the eye test and TWO pairs of glasses (for the first time) done, was one the most uncomfortable and long one.

Just like this incident with my glasses, which never happened in last 25 years of me using glasses, in our life, situations may happen which may affect our ENTIRE LIFE and LIFE STYLE. What would happen to your life style if something happens to you and you are not able to go to work from tomorrow ? Have you put all the eggs in one basket ? Do you have a back-up plan ? I know, all of us think that things may happen to someone else but not to us. But reality is, it could happen to anyone.

We now live in an era where expenses are all time high and both husband and wife have to work to support the family which was probably not the case 50 years back. Do you have a Secondary source of income ? Now you may be thinking, I am already working so hard and where on earth I have the time to do something else ? Well, I guess in this age of internet a lot could be done just by investing our spare time to build a solid second source of passive income.

Do you have a second source of income outside your primary income ? If you have, many congratulations. You are on right track. If you haven’t, you could possibly explore one or more of plethora of opportunities that internet has thrown open. Given below are a few which you could possibly explore.

Online Coaching and Consulting:

If you have been working in a job for some time or you have a passion for something or you know you are good at something, probably you could monetize that skill/talent that you have or you have developed over a period of time. The problem is, not many of us identify it as talent. Let’s say, you have a beautiful garden and people coming to your home truly appreciate your effort in making such a beautiful garden. Did you know that you could make money by teaching people “How to create a beautiful garden in your backyard “. For this, you may have to write a blog or to have a website where you provide the information and you could possibly put an E-Book together and sell it online after identifying your potential customers on Facebook ? And this entire thing could be done without investing thousands of dollars. You could also provide your expertise as consulting service to your potential customers. Of course you would need step by step guidance if you haven’t ever done it before. One site which is specializes in this field is www.consulting.com. Sam Ovens and his company (consulting.com) has helped hundred of people to set-up and run their own consulting business profitably.

Freelancing work

If you have one of the skill sets being sold in websites like Freelancers.com, Upwork.com, Fiverr congratulations. You can list your services there and slowly attract clients for your services.

Sell on Amazon/Shopify:

If you are more keen on generating revenue online by selling goods, rather than services as mentioned above, you could do that as well. Platform like Amazon/E bay provides any individual an opportunity to start selling goods, high in demand without even investing money in creating own website. Platforms like Shopify helps you create and keep your own customer base (Unlike Amazon or E Bay) with ready made tools to create your own online e-commerce in minutes. You could get started by going through the budget udemy training and as you grow your business, you may pay to buy some specialized trainings.

Real Estate and Stocks & Shares:

Though usually people buy real estate or shares in companies as long term investment, a lot of people make money in short term as well. But, its very important to note here that no investment or business venture comes without any RISK. Few people learn and get into high risk Day Trading to make another source of income online and few people venture into dealing with Below Market Value properties. However, it requires proper coaching and mentoring before deciding to get into this industry.

Network Marketing:

This is fairly a risk free business without the need of investing your hard earned money or putting a lot of your time. You don’t have to even own your own website to get started in the business. A business opportunity which not only helps you create a substantial passive income, it also helps you to build your soft skills like communication, accountability, time management, business presentation and management skills etc. A great platform to build leadership skills as you will have a lead a network that you build. The mentor ship program that comes with this opportunity is very unique and very essential to build a successful business. One should also be careful about the company to be associated with, as there are companies who started and also gone forever to the utter disappointment of their marketers. However, there are companies like Amway, who have built substantial credibility in the market over a period of time. If you want to know more about the industry and how it works you could set-up a FREE 30 mins strategy call here.

Affiliate Marketing:

Here you make a commission on people buying digital or physical products through your own affiliate link. You have to continuously drive traffic through your blog or website to the companies you are affiliated with to have the continuous source of income. Even though, there are certain subscription based products which gives you recurring income, the income stops when the subscription stops. So, to be successful in this industry, you need to learn how to drive traffic to your content and affiliate link.


Though there may be many other ways you could create a secondary source of income, the above hopefully will direct you to think in right direction and help you look for your ideal second source of income.

Why Our Education System Sucks ?

The Education system never changed since Industrial Revolution !!!

Why our colleges and Universities teach us all the techniques and skills to work for someone else or to be self-employed. Why don’t they teach Entrepreneurship ? Why don’t they teach about wealth creation ? Why are we never taught about the success principles of life such as Dream, Law of Attraction, Power of Mentorship, failures as stepping stone for success ? Why do we see the Founders of major enterprises probably never went to Universities or even if they did, they dropped out to start their businesses.

This old way of education, which was developed to churn out hundreds of workers to work in factories and industries around the world, still persists. Our education system teaches everyone the SAME syllabus irrespective of the fact that each of us is born unique with our own strength and weakness.

If you haven’t already, please watch this video. An absolute master piece and thought provoking.

Do you also believe that you would have a more fulfilling career and life if you would have been taught and grown in an environment where you are not judged by how good is your English or Maths is, but you are encouraged and appreciated by the qualities that you have and what you could become ?